Reseller Plans are now 30% off
Multiple sites? Multiple Clients? Our reseller hosting packages come with multiple Cpanel accounts so that each website/client can have their own separate, secure access.
Current offers, discounts and promo codes. All offers are for a limited time.
Multiple sites? Multiple Clients? Our reseller hosting packages come with multiple Cpanel accounts so that each website/client can have their own separate, secure access.
At Advantage Hosting, we are making it even easier for you to start a new blog or web-site using WordPress. All of our WordPress Hosting packages are priced lower than previously and are also now 40% off.
At Advantage Hosting, we have a different approach to web site hosting. We have tried hosting our sites on some of the bigger host providers over the years and have been continually frustrated by the poor performance of our sites.… …Extended: Save 50% on Web Site Hosting for a limited time*